About Hartford City Civil War Days and the BCCWRCI

President's Welcome,
Hello and welcome to the Hartford City Civil War Days. I would first like to say thank you for visiting. My name is Sean Cavanaugh and I am the President of the club and reenactment. I first started with the Civil War Days back in 2008. I volunteered my time helping maintain the grounds and event. Eventually I started reenacting and playing a large role in promoting the event. I was recently voted in as the clubs next president. Taking over for Ethan Cox after many successful years. Ethan decided to take a smaller role within the club but is still very active. Thank you very much Ethan for the many great years of leadership you brought the club. This event would not be what it is today if we didn’t have the support staff we have. Everyone in the club has done a tremendous job and they are the heart and soul of the event.
I would also like to add we are in dire need of volunteers and help for the club. If anyone is interested, please let us know. We have a spot for everyone!
Sean Cavanaugh
Vice President's Welcome,
Hello and welcome to our reenactment website. I am Zach Crouch, Vice President of the Blackford County Civil War Reenactment Club, Inc. (BCCWRCI). I first started coming to the meetings a few years ago and after the first year I really became interested in becoming a part of preserving the club It was obvious that if no one stepped up to the plate to make a difference that it was not going to be here if something happened to the older members. It’s such a great event and it would not be possible without all the members and volunteers working together as a team to make it happen every year. We have been blessed with a great spectator turnout. May it continue to hold the spot as Indiana’s largest and best reenactment along with Indiana’s Largest Artillery Night Firing. Hope to see you in October!
Vice President
Zach Crouch

Civil War Monument
The Blackford County Civil War Re-enactment Club, is committed to having a monument erected on the Blackford County Court House square for the Civil War soldiers who lived in Blackford County at the start of the war, those soldiers from other counties that enlisted in Blackford County, those soldier that are buried in Blackford County, and those veterans who moved to Blackford County after the war.
The Club opened a Blackford County Civil War Memorial fund in 1997, and donated a minimum of $1,500 each year to the fund. We wanted to give more, but it depended on the contributions that we get from the attendance at our Blackford County Civil War Days and Student Discovery Day, and on the weather. A second source was from donations made directly to the monument fund: Blackford County Civil War Monument Fund, 3219 S SR3, Hartford City, IN 47348. A third source of funding for this project was through the selling of bricks or rose mountain granite blocks that will be used for the walkway around the monument. A fourth source of funding was through the selling of the Blackford County Civil War Veterans book.
The Club spent countless hours on this project, and updated the names of the Civil War soldiers with the help of several members of the Daughters of Union Veterans, Rachel Silliven Tent, the Blackford County Historical Society, and Mark Davis. These names are on the walls of the monument. This project was long overdue for paying respect to the men from this area that served during this time period.
In October we wrote Wearly Monuments a check for $40,000 to pay for the first phase of this project. This first phase covers the cost of the base, pedestal, and the engraving of the names of the soldiers on the four sides of the granite pedestal. The granite base and pedestal came from a quarry in Vermont. The names of the soldiers were engraved by Wearly Monuments. On Nov. 15, 2003 we had a ground breaking ceremony to begin construction of the monument.
Phase 2: The ground work began in January, 2004. The pedestal and base were placed on the concrete pad July 21st, 2004. The construction of the walkway around the monument began in early August of 2004. On October 9, 2004 there was a monument dedication ceremony at the Blackford County Courthouse.
Phase 3: The design for the Civil War soldier is in the hands of the fine arts sculptor and is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2006. It will then be sent to the finery to be molded and bronzed. Once finished it will be shipped from the finery and erected on the granite pedestal. The bronze statue was dedicated on Oct. 14, 2006. The total cost for the bronze statue was close to $32,000. On October 14, 2007 there was a bronze statue dedication ceremony at the Blackford County Court house
Phase 4: Raising the funds to purchase four stacks of polished black granite cannon balls which will be placed at the four corners of the existing monument. The funds, $3,200, for the addition of the cannon balls has been fulfilled. The cannon balls were installed in 2007.
Phase 5: The Club also wants to set aside a minimum of $7,000 or more in a trust that will allow the interest on the account to be set aside for future maintenance should it ever be needed. The intent of this account is to make the monument independent from external assistance.
Our Club is committed to providing a service for Blackford County with a Civil War Re-enactment event that is held each year in May. Through this event and the proposed Civil War monument, we hope to contribute to the preservation of our American heritage for the years of 1861 - 1865.
Pledge to Purchase a Brick or Rose Mountain Granite Block for the Walkway around the Civil War Monument.
The proceeds on the sale of the granite blocks or red clay bricks have been turned over to the Blackford County Historical Society and the Montpelier Historical Society for the preservation of their records. Use the contact information listed below to purchase a book. With the purchase of a brick or rose mountain granite block you have the following options:
(1) Four inches by eight inches’ brick that will allow for three (3) lines of lettering, 16 letters per line, subject to the Club’s approval. Cost: $50 per brick.
(2) Eight inches by eight inches rose mountain granite block that will allow for six (6) lines of lettering, 16 letters per line, subject to the Club’s approval. Cost: $250.
The only granite blocks that we are selling are the $250 Rose Mountain Granite blocks. The $500 and $1,500 Rose Mountain Granite blocks can no longer be purchased.
The $50 red clay brick and $250 Rose Mountain granite blocks can still be purchased until all the spaces around the walkway are filled. The cost also includes the lettering.
You can claim part of this purchase as a tax deduction. The portion of the cost of the brick with lettering over the clubs cost of the brick with lettering is deductible. Any donations made directly to the monument fund are tax deductible.
The Blackford County Civil War Re-enactment Club is incorporated, and it is a Not-For-Profit organization. Please contact the Hartford City Chamber of Commerce, (765) 348-1905, with regards to any questions on the authenticity of our organization.
For details about this project call (765) 348-4319, or send e-mail to 84ind@comcast.net
Our Philosophy

Our goal is to educate the youth and get them involved and estatic about our past. Bringing history to life is the best way to do this. Putting on Indiana's largest and best event is our main goal and to maintain a safe and neutral environment is what we strive for.
Our History

For the past 38 years members of the BCCWRC have worked many long strenuous hours to put on the best Reenactment in the State of Indiana. Our love for history and our passion to keep it alive is our focus of keeping this event alive.